5 Golden Rules
- Decision making as a group (Communication)
- Listening to everybody's opinion and ideas with an open mind (Communication)
- Ensure everyone gets to voice their opinions and ideas (Communication)
- Clear objectives for team meetings (Organisation)
- Responsibility for your own tasks (Responsibility)
Team Member
I study electrical and electronic engineering at UCL. Actually, this is my second year at UCL, last year I was a foundation year student. Currently, I want to become an engineer or an academic in the further. I used to be a professional shooting athlete, and I was awarded as the first class athlete in China. Besides study, I am quite interested in sports event, I prefer playing basketball.
Team Member
I study computer science at UCL, and I am really interested participating into Computer science industry. Currently my interest in the field is software engineering and web programming, at a more applicable perspective; I am also interesting in all sorts of algorithms, at a more theoretical perspective. Therefore I am thinking of doing more study on those topics both in the course we have to learn, and also outside class, there are all sorts of computer science related events, groups, I am really interested in join them.
Team Member
Engineering always interested me, being that it bridged the gap between the theories and formulas that i was used to dealing with in school and the real world. Engineering takes the science that has been trapped in idealised scenarios and demands a practical application of it, evoking creative responses. Mechanical engineering was my engineering of choice because the areas of maths and physics that i connected to most at school were those related to mechanics.
But UCL is by no means my first taste of higher education. I have spent the last five years abroad, studying Talmudic Law and that has readied me both intellectually and psychologically for the demanding course that I have taken up now.
Team Member
Currently studying Civil Engineering, I became passionate about the subject with time. This discipline provides a critical overview and understanding of the world around us, the most exciting place to be ! I enjoy travelling, meeting new people and new cultures and learning from them. This passion has evolved in a quest for the understanding of the world and its systems and structures. Thus I believe it is very important to experience and appreciate every connection to people and the world, and work together as a team to make it an incredible place !