
The information on these pages aims to introduce you to some of the tools and techniques that can be employed to represent physical objects in digital form. The 'Digital Representations' tab above gives some different examples of  digital object representation. The Augmented Reality (AR) tab takes things a little further with examples of how 3D representations of objects can be used to complement their physical presence.

You will be developing your on-line exhibition materials within the same environment used to create and publish the page you are now reading - the UCL MyPortfolio system. Every UCL student (and staff member) has an acount on this system - you can log-in to your own space at: https://myportfolio.ucl.ac.uk using your usual UCL username and password.

The MyPortfolio system allows the construction of technically sophisticated web pages while  hiding much of the complexity of web design from page/site author(s). In common with other tools that allow authoring from within a web brower ( e.g. Wordpress, Moodle and many others) page designs are created by  arranging various kinds of content blocks within a pre-selected layout template. This modular approach while restricting design and functionality options will allow you to concentrate on the creation of your texts and media elements without getting bogged down in the intricacies of web page design and coding.

Along with this resource is the Induction to MyPortfolio for Object Lessons students giving more detailed advise about using MyPortfolio.