Representing Life Through Objects


It is easy to look at objects and see them as 'still', missing the 'life' in them. Our exhibition aims to show that life in the different representations in our chosen objects, whether it is in what the object represents, in the author's ideas represented by the object or by the lives the object has touched. We also want to stress that even though these objects are either displayed or kept in storage, they continue to touch and be relevant to life - either through educational purposes at UCL, or through interaction with an audience. It is this interaction we wish to achieve through our virtual exhibition. To highlight the continuing dynamism and life behind the objects, we have included YouTube videos on each page to show that each object has contemporary relevance, and that a still object can still represent life (Marie for example has included a video of a live abalone). 

The objects in this exhibition are presented as three pairs, each under a subheading exploring a certain representation. After introducing the objects and explaining why they have been paired together, we also demonstrate our plans for a physical exhibition.

This exhibition is suitable for an audience of 15 years old and above. It is not particularly suitable for children because it is quite theoretical, centred on the role of objects and their biographies, and also involves some large blocks of text. However, the adult audience does not need any prior knowledge or high degree of education as object-specific vocabulary is limited and explained if used.