Meet the Curator
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Target audience
Our chosen target audience is that of people with non-specialised knowledge from interdisciplinary backgrounds, ranging from around age 13 to adults. The exhibition is not targeted at children below age 13. This is due to the theme being fairly unsuitable for young children, as conflict may be seen as a controversial topic. Furthermore, as our exhibition is online, we had to choose an audience that would be most likely to use the Internet for visiting online exhibitions, and children below age 13 are less likely to use the Internet for this purpose. The majority of the public is of the non-specialist type, holding a certain level of general knowledge that would be useful when visiting our exhibition. We wanted our exhibition to be accessible to as many people as possible, and creating it for an interdisciplinary, non-specialist audience allows for a nonpartisan, inclusive environment, thus opening it up to a wide range of people.
Meet the Team
Deborah Bell - Writer
Fossil of the Head Shield of Bothriolepis canadenis
Summarised the research on each object and how it relates to the conflict by producing a coherent text for the website that is not only interesting and engaging, but also appropriate with regards to the format. Adapted the writing style to make it appealing without overwhelming the target audience.
Clemence Hermann - Project Manager
Galton’s Illustration of Law of Frequency and Error
Curated the exhibition. Overlooked the development of the website by making sure that all members of the team produced their work within an established time frame and arranged regular meetings to discuss current and further developments. Contributed to the multimedia and video editing.
Natasha Buckham - MyPortfolio Editor
16th Century Mahzor (Hebrew Religious Manuscript)
Co-worked on designing the exhibition layout to make the website visually appealing for the public. Focused on compiling the webpages, cropping and editing of the visual content and uploading it in the relevant sections. Worked on video support and subtitling. Made sure that the exhibition was appropriate with regard to exhibition ethics.
Viviane Vix - Researcher and Editor
1895 Printing Stamp from the Slade Sketch Club
Recapped and filtered through team members' knowledge of their respective objects, highlighting all relevant information. Conducted additional research on all the objects, the conflicts and their contexts. Responsible for the editing of the written components of the exhibition. Additional editing of the website to finalise the exhibition for publishing.
Terms of Release
All members of the group freely give their consent to share the work on this website under a Creative Commons license. The work is published and open. To cite the work on this website: Deborah Bell, Natasha Buckham, David Dutko, Clemence Hermann, Isabelle Reynolds-Logue, Viviane Vix, 30/3/2015, Conflicted Objects, undergraduate project for the Object Lessons module of the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences programme at University College London,
David Dutko - MyPortfolio Editor
18th Dynasty Egyptian Scarab Amulet
Co-designed the exhibition layout, working specifically on the appearance of the website and how to facilitate accessibility for the public. Created the navigation banner to make it straightforward and easy to use. Worked with the file structure and was in charge of troubleshooting.
Isabelle Reynolds-Logue: Photographer, Videographer, MyPortfolio Editor and Lead Marketer
Palstave from the Late Bronze Age (axehead)
Photographed the objects (unless credited otherwise) and edited all the images for the website, in order for the public to get an accurate sense of the artefacts, overcoming some of the limitations of a virtual exhibition. Directed, edited and recorded the curator’s video. Created the flyers for the exhibition. Additional editing of the website to finalise the exhibition for publishing.