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Jaw Models
Candlin, F., Guins, R. 2009. Introducing Objects. In: The Object Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 1-18.
Caple, C. 2006. Investigating Objects, Theories and Approaches. In: Objects: Reluctant Witnesses to the Past. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 1-27.
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Warren-Thomas, A., 2015. Conservator for UCL Special Collections
Documentary with general information about Vesalius:
Images: Courtesy of UCL Special Collections
Ambiguities page
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Caple, C. (2006) Objects: Reluctant Witnesses to the Past. London: Routledge
Candlin, F. and Guins, R. (2009) The object reader.London: Routledge
Galton's Slides
Appadurai, A. (2005) "Materiality in the Future of Anthropology." Commodification: Things, Agency, and Identities (The Social Life of Things revisited) 55-62.
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Caple, C. (2006) Objects: Reluctant Witnesses to the Past. London: Routledge
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Spencer, H. (1893) The inadequacy of natural selection. Vol. 17. Williams & Norgate, 1893.
Bronze Socketed Spearhead
All images of the spearhead itself are courtesy of UCL's Institute of Archaeology
Kenney-Mencher. 2015. Helladic art [online]. Available from: [Accessed 20 Feb 2015]
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