3D model - Exhibition Space

Even though virtual reality is a new and exciting world that has many things to offer, the 'realness' and physicality of the objects cannot be taken away. Therefore, the next few images show how the exhibition would be set up in real life.

Black walls with white printed letters would comprise the exhibition room, and the objects would be showcased in carefully designed plinths that include an object plaque with the main information about the object. The darkness of the room and the illumination of the objects just before you arrive to them adds a sense of suspense and excitement, as well as relating the exhibition to the theme of 'enlightenment'. 

Entry to the exhibition would be done in groups and would include a guide. At the end of the exhibition, the whole room would light up, revealing all the objects in their 'togetherness'. Visitors would then have the chance to go back to the objects and learn more about them through the exhibition catalogue, or asking questions.

Through this methods, the exhibition would turn into an 'experience', and would hopefully keep visitors interested all throughout.


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The arrows on the floor would give the visitor through the exhibition, taking them from one object to the next.

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The idea of a dark room and objects being illuminated when the visitor approaches them is to add a sense of 'enlightenment' and 'discovery' to the exhibition, and to keep the audience intrigued throughout the process.

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Plinths - Object Space

Because the presentation of the objects is very important, they would be displayed on a specially designed plinth, like shown in the picture below. White letters engraved on the black plinth would give essential information about the object. A magnifying glass located next to the objet would give visitors the chance to look at the object from up close.

The plinths would blend into the darkness of the room, and the impression would be that of the objects 'floating'. 



