Who did What?

This virtual exhibition is the result of the work put in by all the five members of the group. We all brainstormed together, gave our opinions and reviewed the content to make it as engaging and informative as possible. We each wrote the catalogue for our own objects, and other certain tasks were divided between the group members. Here is a summary of how each of us contributed to the final exhibition and presentation:


James Dodson

Designed and constructed the plinths in which the objects would be showcased in a real exhibition. He also wrote, recorded and edited the narration for the video (as well as making his voiceover debut). James was also in charge of writing the introduction to the exhibition piece, and of making sure that the language was 'teenage friendly'.


Alejandro López Galve

Edited the film and put the video and the narration together. He also convinced us that "otherness" should be our exhibition theme, introduced us to Leonardo Boff and his theories about 'other', and wrote the 'overview' piece on the introduction page.


Georgia Statham

The visually pleasing and informative presentations slides were put together by Georgia. She also took part on the script writing for the video. She reminded us to make sure that the audience should leave the exhibition feeling worthy and happy; rather than suffering from an 'existential crisis' due to too much 'otherness'.


Claudia Vega

Co-wrote the script and almost debuted as the second narrator (but was held back by her temporary loss of voice). Expanded on the audience and ethics pieces of the exhibition, and added much insight and development into our idea of making a 'real' exhibition. She rooted for this project during the whole process and enjoyed it to the maximum.


Arantza Dobbels Busto

Took a chance in life and decided to be James' narration companion after the first runner up had to give up their spot. She is also responsible for filming the objects (thus she apologises for the shakiness of the shots, she has a bad pulse). The 3D designs of the exhibition space were created by Arantza using TinkerCad. She also put all the bits and pieces together in MyPortfolio.


Things such as deciding how MyPortfolio would look like, how the atmosphere of the exhibition would be, deciding how to split up the presentation, etc. were all carried out together during our productive and creative group meetings.