The Wellcome Collection - From idea to reality

Practically, we see this exhibit having the potential to be highly successful in real life. 

We have decided that if we were to pitch it to a venue to translate it form a virtual space to a real one, we would approach the Wellcome collection. We feel that the Wellcome Collection holds similar core values to what we envisaged for our exhibition: those of interdisciplinary and inclusivity, with an emphasis on being accessible, but engaging. We also thought that the  Collection caters to a similar audience to the one we want to engage, and furthermore, its central location means a wider audience might be reached, as people who happen upon it by chance on their daily commute might be tempted to visit. 

However, not only would this venue fit our needs perfectly,  but we also believe our exhibition would be a valuable addition to the Wellcome Collection, as a temporary display. An exhibition featuring the word 'power' in the title is just the kind of eye-catching topic the Collection has been known to display - such as the currently ongoing States of Mind. 

Finally, its affiliation with UCL as well as its emphasis on both the arts and the sciences makes the Wellcome Collection uniquely suited to our exhibition.


Image courtesy of the Wellcome Collection., 21/03/2016

3D Gallery

Below is a virtual simulation of how we would display our objects in a physical space. The order of our objects isn’t at random: we have presented  them the way we would like the audience to be led through the exhibition. We have begun with the Galapagos Tortoise shell, because it is something the audience will more readily recognise, and ended with the safe passage agreement, because it is a very clear manifestation of power - a strong last note to leave the audience on. But in between, the objects might need the context of each other, to prompt thinking and strengthen the effect.