Curator Contributions

Sabim Rai - Methods, Gypsum Eye Figurine, Acknowledgements, 3D Gallery

Rico Hodges-Smikle - Introduction, Saqamoli 

Kieren Gadhia - Audience, Galton's Safe Passage Agreement 

Xin Zhan - Anatomical Drawing of an Arm, Conclusion

Zsofia Pauikovics - Introduction, Galapagos Giant Tortoise Shell, Wellcome Proposal, 3D Gallery



All the curators would like to express our gratitudes to the BASC2001 team for providing us with the skills needed to research and produce this exhibition. Special thanks to:

Paolo Viscardi - Grant Museum of Zoology

George Richards - UCL Art Museum

Ian Carroll - UCL Institute of Archaeology Collections

Katy Makin - UCL Special Collections

Delphine Mercier - UCL Ethnography Collections

for their willingness to support our research which has been both constructive and valued. Finally, a large thanks to the individuals that manage and produce the contents of the various online catalogues used, without whom this exhibition would not be possible at all. 

Terms of Release

All contributors to this exhibition give their consent for this work to be published. It is published and open under a Creative Commons License. Suggested citation: Paulikovics, Z., Rai, S., Hodges-Smikle, R., Gadhia, K., Zhan, X. 2016. Objects - An exploration of Power in Society. [online] Year 2 Undergraduate project for the BASC2001 module. Available at: <